Published: Dec 31, 2023

Validasi Metode Analisis Iodin Secara Spektrofotometri UV-Vis pada Dua Variasi Pelarut

Validation of The Method of Iodin Analysis by Uv-Vis Spectrofotometry with Two Variations of Solution

204-211 Fauzi Abdilah, Karina Aulia Rahmawati, Widya Tresna Dewi, Keryanti, Mentik Hulupi
Read Statistic: 292

Ekstraksi Komponen Lipid dari Mikroalga Nannochloropsis oculata dan Nitzschia sp. dengan Metode Sokletasi dan Bligh Dyer

Extraction of Lipid Components from Nannochloropsis oculata and Nitzschia sp. Microalgae with Soxhletation and Bligh Dyer Methods

212-223 Jamius Bin Stepanus
Read Statistic: 338

The Effect of Solvent-to-Coffee Ratio on Caffeine Content in Ethyl Acetate Extracts of Arabica Gayo Coffee Beans

224-231 Bambang Soeswanto, Rony Pasonang Sihombing, Joko Suryadi, Tri Hariyadi, Tifa Paramitha, Yusmardhany Yusuf, Alfiana Adhitasari -
Read Statistic: 125

Penurunan Logam Fe dan Co Pada Kerang Hijau (Perna viridis) dengan Metode Perendaman Larutan Belimbing Wuluh

Reduction Fe and Co Metals in Green Mussels (Perna viridis) by Soaking in Starfruit Solution

232-240 Holisha Widiyanto, Hafidz Al Asad, Sriwijayanti, Dian Susvira, Boima Situmeang
Read Statistic: 141

Comparison of Total Flavonoid, Phenolic Levels, and Antioxidant Activity between Robusta and Arabica Coffee

241-249 Khoirul Ngibad, Siti Nur Husnul Yusmiati, Diana Mey Merlina, Yenny Puspa Rini, Valenata Valenata, Elok Faiqotul Jannah
Read Statistic: 144

Penggunaan Arang Aktif Ampas Kopi untuk Menurunkan Bilangan Peroksida dan Asam Lemak Bebas (ALB) pada Minyak Goreng Bekas

Utilization of Activated Charcoal from Coffee Grounds to Reduce Peroxide Number and Free Fatty Acid (FFA) in Used Cooking Oil

250-257 Prismawiryanti, Sophia Andarwati, Syamsuddin
Read Statistic: 169

Karakterisasi Pelet Pupuk Organik Berbahan Eco Enzyme

Characterization Of Organic Fertilizer Pellets Eco enzyme

258-265 Ima Winaningsih, Suramta Suramta, Yanti Mala
Read Statistic: 90

Studi Awal Sintesis ZnO/SiO2 dengan Silika dari Limbah Padat Geothermal dan Uji Performansinya dalam Penghilangan Metilen Biru

Preliminary Study of ZnO/SiO2 Synthesis with Silica from Geothermal Solid Waste and Its Performance Test in Methylene Blue Removal

266-277 Tifa Paramitha, Joko Suryadi, Rahma Ardelia Raissa, Teguh Aditya Nugraha, Nirmala Utami
Read Statistic: 105

Determination of Boron Concentration at Sausage Samples with Distillation of Ester Borane Method using Fluorescence Spectrophotometry

278-284 Isna Lailatusholihah -, Aisyiah Restutiningsih Putri Utami, Micha Mahardika
Read Statistic: 101

Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Kertas Kemasan Berbasis Ampas Kunyit dan Jahe Merah dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Natrium Hidroksida

Preparation and Characterization of Packaging Paper Based on Turmeric and Red Ginger Pulp with Varying Concentrations of Sodium Hydroxide

285-294 Devia Fataya Miftahul Jannah, Chyntia Wahyuni Febryanti, Diana Alfiah, Melina Rahma Huwaida, Della Agustia Marhani, Riniati Riniati
Read Statistic: 74

Total Metabolit Sekunder dan Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Daun Juwet (Syzygium cumini L.) dengan Spektrofotometer Uv-Vis

Total Secondary Metabolites and Test of Antioxidant Activity of Juwet Leaves (Syzygium cumini L.) with Uv-Vis Spectrophotometer

295-304 Tien Wahyu Handayani Tien, Ni Kadek Evy Rasmiyanti, Joni Tandi, Magfirah
Read Statistic: 208